About Us


From our Vicar Dianne:

Welcome to St Stephen’s and St Mary’s…

“Thank you for visiting our website! We hope that you will get the information you need here – and that you might pay us a visit and join us for worship soon…

“Here’s a little bit of background about us…

“St Stephen’s and St Mary’s is part of the Anglican Church of Australia and the worldwide Anglican Church, and situated on top of one of the many hills in Mount Waverley. You can find us on High Street Road, between Stephenson’s Road and Park Road.

“We want to be the type of church that will give you a warm welcome, and where you can meet with God, whatever is happening in your life at the moment.

“We are constantly trying to become more ‘useful’ as a church. We want you to find it easy to become a member of our community (if that’s what you are looking for), or just to come and enjoy the occasional Sunday with us. We know that everyone has different needs when it comes to church and faith – and whatever you need from church, we hope that you will find it at St Stephen’s and St Mary’s. Everyone who comes is at a different stage in their lives – so there’s no pressure on you at all….

The statue of St Stephen was carved from one of the pine trees originally on the property.

The statue of St Stephen was carved from one of the pine trees originally on the property.

“We have plenty of activities and interest groups within the church family – this website will give you an idea of what type of things we do. We have a youth group, mainly music group, Kid’s church, pastoral care ministries, variety of worship services, excellent musical tradition, Bible studies, home groups, men’s groups, social activities, social justice group, various women’s groups, meditation groups and so much more!

“Most of all, we believe in a welcoming and hospitable God. At St Stephen’s and St Mary’s, we want to reflect that welcome and hospitality to the local community and all who visit. We are a church on a journey – we are far from perfect and we have a long, long way to go! But if you want to come along and see if this is a place where you can find whatever it is you need, you will be more than welcome!

The Venerable Dianne Sharrock

Contact Us

T (03) 9807 3168   |    parishoffice@stephenandmary.org.au     |    Visit our Facebook page


Meet the Team

The Venerable Dianne Sharrock
Assistant Curate (Sundays only):
The Reverend Candice Mitrousis
Assistant Curate: The Reverend Cara Greenham Hancock
Office Administrator:
Katherine Rushby
Music Director:
Brian Copple

Parish Council

At the Annual Meeting, the members of the Parish Council were appointed for the 2024 year:​

Graeme Dellora (Warden)  Judith Gibson (Warden)
Helen Warren (Warden)
 Kathy Dodgshun Rowena Ferguson Riley Johnston
Dennis Mills Rebecca Sims Sue Retschko
 David Stanley
Joan West  

Pastoral Care Ministry

Aged Care Chaplaincies:                                     

Hospital Visiting:                                                      Clergy

Funeral Ministry:                                                     Venerable Dianne Sharrock

Spiritual Director:                                                   Val Dyke

Prayer Chain Coordinator:                                Margaret Syfret

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us:

T (03) 9807 3168   |    F (03) 9807 0978   |   Visit our Facebook page


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